Bacalen History
The Star of Bacalen
Deep within the Earth there is a magical place that many people have never heard about and many people will never visit. It is not found on the usual maps or in travel books. It is an ancient place that you will soon come to know because The Story Snatchers are on the move and they must be stopped!
The Star of Bacalen has existed since the beginning of time on Earth. Time has changed the Earth and it has changed Bacalen too.
This extraordinary and mysterious star has seven orbs. The largest, central orb contains The Great Knowledge Tree. The founder of The Great Knowledge Tree created The Star of Bacalen. Her name was Brohwen Bacalen. Her star exists within The Earth to bring balance and keep things safe from those that want to pilfer and change the balance on our worlds.
Six smaller orbs surround it: The Great Archives, The Great Studio Gallery, The Great Music Hall, The Great Bacalen Coliseum, The Great Recreation Retreat and The Great Sport Stadium orbit The Great Knowledge Tree.
The Great Archives was the first of the smaller orbs to begin its connection with Earth. Every story about Earth, its places and people or flora and fauna, can be found there. Each story has been carefully catalogued by Diegesis, the first Great Storyteller. As time went on, other orbs started to flourish. The Great Music Hall began protecting the music that filled Earth’s skies, waterways, forests and oceans – the sounds of birds, cicadas, frogs and whales. Eventually the music created by people also joined the compositions.
The orbs now protect Earth’s vast number of stories, pictures, music, theatre, hobbies, sport and knowledge from those that wish to change and forget it all.
The Story Snatchers, The Picture Pinchers, The Music Meddlers, The Theatre Thwarters, The Hobby Hinderers and The Sport Spoilers roam the world, changing and destroying anything that connects us to Earth’s history.
Bacalens walk amongst us every day. They wander the Earth, protecting it from those that want to destroy the delicate balance that exists around us.
You may be surprised to find that they are in your street, your school or even your family.
People from The Star of Bacalen travel to Earth using instantaneous transfer. They rely on many magical methods of transport. Those who travel from The Great Archives use D.I.D. cards (Destination Identification cards) so that they can ride the Bacalen book return chutes around the world in search of Snatchers. Agents from the Colour Investigation Agency (C.I.A.) at The Great Studio Gallery pursue Pinchers using the magic of C.A.D. (Crayon Access Doors). Music can carry you to all sorts of places so the agents from MI6 6/8 have learnt how to harness well trained notes so that they can muster The Meddlers who ravage the world on their noisy note-a-bikes.
The Star of Bacalen's power is greatest when Earth's people use their imagination and creativity, when they are persistent and resilient or selfless and caring.
If Earth's people start to lose their creativity and imagination or stop learning and asking questions then steals of Snatchers, pilfers of Pinchers, messes of Meddlers, thefts of Thwarters, heists of Hinderers, spates of Spoilers, lures of Loathers and deletions of Detesters will begin to creep into our world and change the delicate balance.
Bacalen will do all that it can to prevent the decay of Earth. Bacalen exists to keep the balance but it needs your help.
Be ready! The Great Storyteller might summon you to snare a Snatcher or The Grand Art Master could propose that you pinpoint a Pincher. Be prepared to meet a Meddler, trap a Thwarter, seize a Spoiler, hook a Hinderer, land a Learner or deal with a Detester. You could even be called to join The Story Weavers on their quest!