Glossary of Terms
Story Weaver Terminology
The Archetypes
the most ancient of all story-threads and where all stories come from; there are six coloured archetypal threads: adventure & mystery (yellow); human relationships (grey); travel (blue); biographies (purple); fantasy (pink); and information and facts (orange); each Archetype is linked to one of the six Story Weavers.
Argyros Cetus
injured Storyteller who now leads The Story Snatchers; his speech-thread was damaged during training after telling a story that he was not ready to re-tell; worked at The Great Archives; before his injury, he was known as Alexis Craft. (‘Alexis’ is derived from a Greek word meaning defender or helper); after the accident he changed his name (derived from two Greek words, ‘argyros’ meaning ‘silver’ and ‘cetus’ meaning ‘monster fish’).
workshop or studio used by an artist or designer (French origins)
the current Grand Art Master of The Great Studio of Bacalen; she is named after Artemisia Gentileschi, an accomplished Italian Baroque painter.
person who works at The Great Studio Gallery of Bacalen; assists The Grand Art Master to protect the world’s art; specialist Artisans work for the C.I.A. (Colour Investigation Agency); named after famous artists.
located within Earth; The Star of Bacalen is made up of seven orbs (six smaller orbs surround a central orb); The Great Knowledge Tree is in the middle and The Great Archives, The Great Studio Gallery, The Great Music Hall, The Great Bacalen Coliseum, The Great Recreation Retreat and The Great Sport Stadium orbit around it. Bacalen and its people protect Earth’s vast amount of stories, pictures, music, theatre, hobbies, sport and knowledge from those who wish to change and forget it all: The Story Snatchers, The Picture Pinchers, The Music Meddlers, The Theatre Thwarters, The Hobby Hinderers, The Sport Spoilers and The Learning Loathers.
Star of Bacalen
The Book of Bacalen
the most ancient of all story-vessels; created by the first Great Storyteller, Diegesis; locates Story Weavers and Bookworms and chooses trainee Storytellers; able to speak to Story Weavers, Storytellers and Bookworms using words on its pages or by forming words in their minds; translates bookmarks into image maps that can be seen by Story Weavers; image maps help to locate lost or poached story-threads and story-vessels.
The Book of Bacalen
book chute
Bacalen book chutes are located in all libraries and book shops as not all libraries and bookshops have a public book chute; Bacalan book chutes are only visible to Bookworms, Storytellers and Story Weavers; used to magically move between destinations by inserting a D.I.D. card.
a luminescent strip of material that holds the story-vessel inside a book; only visible to Story Weavers; has the ability to store images of where a story-vessel has been and where its story-threads have been taken; the images form an image map that is decoded by The Book of Bacalen when a bookmark is placed between its pages; the images are only seen in the minds of Story Weavers.
Book Translator
a small, multi-coloured book carried by members of The Great Archives; a magical dictionary that can understand the meanings of words used by books; an unknown word is spoken into the Translator’s pages and the meaning appears.
person who is able to see and collect feelings, emotions, experiences and knowledge and create story-threads from them; works in The Yarn Room creating story-threads that are woven into a completed story-vessel (the story-vessel is then enclosed in a book and held in place by a bookmark); works with Story Weavers and Storytellers to create stories that are interesting for people to read and listen to.
Bookworm Yarns (Yarn Book)
a small book similar to a Book Translator that Bookworms put created conversation threads or captured threads of emotions, feelings, experiences and knowledge into.
C.A.D. or Crayon Access Door
magical crayon that is used by members of The Great Studio Gallery of Bacalen; able to draw a door in the air that can take them to any destination that they write on the door.
Crayon to draw C.A.D.
C.I.A. or Colour Investigation Agency
specialist Artisans from The Great Studio Gallery who capture Picture Pinchers and locate The Picture Pinchers’ Powder Plants.
C.I.A. Badge
conversation thread
words spoken by a person that can be plucked from the air by a Bookworm and woven into a thread.
D.I.D. card
magical, small white card printed with D.I.D. that has spaces on it for writing a destination and the number to be transported; stands for Destination Identification card; thrown into a book chute to allow Bookworms, Storytellers and Story Weavers to move between destinations.
D.I.D. Card
Diegesis Script
ancient code from The Great Archives that was developed to protect books.
The Great Archive Networks
groups of Storytellers and Bookworms that work for The Great Archives of Bacalen but live on Earth; they work in many different areas (not just as authors, librarians, editors or writers); they are imaginative and creative people who excel at problem solving.
The Great Archives of Bacalen
an orb on The Star of Bacalen; home to Storytellers, Bookworms and Story Weavers; location of The Yarn Room (where stories are woven); The Hall of Yarns (where Storytellers gather); The Shredding Basement (where Story Snatchers are restored); The Great Storytelling Library (where stories are kept and where The Archetypes are located).
The Great Storyteller
the oldest and wisest of Storytellers; currently the position is held by Spinner; sits in The Great Storytelling Library of The Great Archives advising Bookworms, Story Weavers and Storytellers; keeper of the most ancient book, ‘The Book of Bacalen’ that can speak to other books and decode bookmarks and produce image maps.
The Great Storytelling Library
found in The Great Archives; where all stories are kept safe and where The Great Storyteller resides; The Archetypes are located there.
The Great Studio of Bacalen
an orb on The Star of Bacalen; home to The Grand Art Master, The Artisan Teams and The Creators; produces, repairs, protects and stores the world’s art.
The Hall of Yarns
situated next to The Yarn Room and where Storytellers gather to practise telling stories and train new Storytellers.
small, colourful heart shaped part of the body located inside your body on top of your heart; only visible to people from The Great Studio Gallery of Bacalen; Picture Pinchers are able to make people’s he-arts colourless as they want people to stop enjoying the art that surrounds them; can be recoloured in The Recolouring Atelier at The Great Studio Gallery.
Illustration Deck
group of illustrations that have been created for a story-vessel; made in an Illustration Atelier by The Creators at The Great Studio Gallery; illustrations come together like a deck of playing cards and are then transformed into picture powder and stored in an orb which is sent to The Bookworms at The Great Archives of Bacalen.
Illustration Atelier
situated at The Great Studio Gallery of Bacalen; rooms where The Creators turn pictures into picture powder which is sprinkled into story-vessels to create illustrations.
image map
images produced by a bookmark; appear in the minds of Story Weavers and visually describe where a story-vessel has been and where missing story-threads are located.
devise used by Picture Pinchers to capture images on the internet.
Irlen lenses
coloured lenses used in glasses to assist people with Irlen Syndrome to read words clearly; (*these lenses are real and were developed by Helen Irlen from the USA to help people with perceptual dyslexia to read more easily); worn by the Story Weavers and others at The Great Archives.
colourful plug made from life experiences and found within people on Earth and The Star of Bacalen and in Story Snatchers; reflects the six archetypal colours and absorbs the colours from life experiences; the life plugs of Story Snatchers have no colour and have a dark, non-reflective surface; it is removed and replaced through the ear.
matrix (plural: matrices)
looks similar to an old candle stick with a carved handle; used by members of The Star of Bacalen to protect themselves from their enemies and also used by their enemies to transform people; For example, Bookworms and Storytellers have matrices that stamp Story Snatchers with transporting ink; the stamp says ‘Property of Shredding Basement’ and it sends Snatchers to The Shredding Basement to be turned back into a person who enjoys reading books. The Snatchers’ stamp uses transforming ink that says ‘Property of The Snatchers’ and this stamp transforms the person into a Snatcher (firstly taking the colour from their life-plug and then transforming them into a Snatcher); The Picture Pinchers stamp says ‘Property of The Pinchers’ and turns people into Picture Pinchers; members of The Great Studio Gallery have a matrix that stamps Pinchers with ‘Property of The Recolouring Atelier’ which sends them to The Recolouring Atelier to have their he-arts recoloured so that they can enjoy art again.
Music Meddlers (or Meddlers)
creatures that dislike music and musical instruments and try to disrupt any music they can find on Earth; MI 6 6/8 (a group of well trained musicians from The Great Music Hall of Bacalen) keeps them in check.
Picture Pinchers (or Pinchers)
creatures with smudgy bodies, long smeary hair, elongated legs and arms and thin, stick-like fingers; dislike colour and all forms of art; being used by a traitor from within The Great Archives to turn people away from books with pictures; they are also being ordered to replace images on the internet, in galleries and museums with incorrect versions and nobody is noticing that the pictures are changing; a group of Pinchers is called ‘a pilfer’.
picture powder
colourful powder created in The Illustration Ateliers at The Great Studio Gallery of Bacalen; made by The Creators; illustrations for stories are turned into picture powder so that the pictures can be sprinkled into story-vessels; powder stored in orbs and sent to The Bookworms at The Great Archives of Bacalen.
Orb of Picture Powder
The Picture Press
a machine inside The Yarn Room that is used by Bookworms to hold the completed story-vessel cloth whilst the picture powder is sprinkled over it; this adds illustrations to the story-vessel.
pilfer of Pinchers
a group of Picture Pinchers.
poaching sack
sack used by Story Snatchers to store the stolen story-threads during a snatch.
The Powder Plant
enormous factory created by Picture Pinchers to recolour picture powder so that the world’s pictures can be transformed.
The Recolouring Atelier
room at The Great Studio Gallery of Bacalen where Picture Pinchers are sent to have their He-arts recoloured; this process transforms Pinchers back into people who enjoy art.
The Reweaving Room
room used by Story Snatchers to reweave story-threads into dull and unimaginative stories or incorrect versions.
saga pod
peppercorn-sized seed pod used by Story Weavers and carried in a small pouch around their neck (saga pouch); used to capture Story Snatchers as they contain powdery seeds that shrink Snatchers to a size small enough to fit into the transporter bags carried by The Story Weavers (sends Snatchers straight to The Shredding Basement); the seed pod is covered in swirls of colour which continuously move and have a hypnotic effect when Snatchers look at it.
Jar of saga pods
saga pouch
small pouch on a long piece of leather that fits over the head of a Story Weaver and is used to carry saga pods.
Saga pouch
The Shredding Basement
room in The Great Archives where Story Snatchers have their life-plug shredded and re-coloured so that they return to being people who enjoy using their imaginations, see the wonders in the world, and value books.
found in all Storytellers; gives them the ability to tell and remember stories from ancient times and also recite more modern tales.
steal of Snatchers
a group of Story Snatchers.
The Star of Bacalen
see Bacalen.
Story Snatchers (or Snatchers)
creatures with elongated legs and arms, small heads, bulbous eyes and hooked noses; wear long, thin sleeping caps that fall down their backs; are unimaginative and dull; poach and unravel story-vessels and then reweave the story-threads into story-vessels that people don’t want to read; being used by a traitor from within The Great Archives who has realised that people don’t enjoy Snatcher stories and so these stories can be used to create a world full of people who turn away from books and rely only on information found on screens; they are also being ordered to replace information on the internet with incorrect versions which nobody is questioning; a group of Snatchers is called ‘a steal’.
a Story Weaver gift that hypnotises people; a damaged story-vessel is then secretly taken from a person and mended; the story is forgotten until the repaired vessel is returned.
Story Weaver
one of six perceptually dyslexic children from across the world (must be in their tenth year and no older than 18) who works at The Great Archives of Bacalen finding missing story-threads; currently the Bacalen Weavers are: Samuel, Meg, Caitlin, Bella, Anna and Leo; they have many unique gifts such as: i) helping Bookworms to reweave story-vessels that have broken or missing threads, or story-vessels that have been unravelled by Story Snatchers, ii) seeing bookmarks when they become separated from their story-threads, iii) communicate via telepathy with certain types of books, depending upon The Archetype that they are linked to e.g. Samuel is linked to mystery and adventure (yellow); Meg is linked to human relationships (grey); Caitlin is linked to travel (blue); Bella is linked to non-fiction (purple); Anna is linked to fantasy (pink); and Leo is linked to information and facts (orange); each Weaver wears glasses with tinted lenses that are the same colour as the Archetype they are linked to, iv) use story-suggestion to hypnotise people and retrieve damaged story-vessels that are inside books.
person who works in The Great Archives; learns historical stories and recites them; provides advice to Bookworms about old and new stories that need to be woven from story-threads; located in The Hall of Yarns where they practise storytelling and work with the young, trainee Storytellers.
Bookworms collect feelings, emotions, experiences and knowledge and spin them into a story-thread; threads are joined together and woven to produce a completed story-vessel; a story-vessel is then enclosed in a book and kept in place by a bookmark; the most ancient story-threads are the six Archetypes; story-threads reflect the colours of these six Archetypes i.e. yellow (adventure & mystery); grey (human relationships); blue (travel); purple (non-fiction); pink (fantasy); and orange (information and facts).
story-thread extractor
similar to a vacuum; has a long nozzle that is attached to colourful bags; when a large number of story-threads are located in one place, The Bookworms use a story-thread extractor to send them back to The Yarn Room. The threads are pulled into the bags and immediately reappear in the sorting piles.
the completed story; created when the story-threads are woven together; the colour of the story-vessel depends upon the dominant colour of the story-threads that are used to weave the completed story; a story-vessel is enclosed inside a protective book cover and held in place by a bookmark.
transforming ink
used by Story Snatchers on their matrices to transform a Bookworm, Storyteller or Story Weaver into a Story Snatcher; ink is counteracted by using saga pod powder on the stamp or by a visit to The Shredding Basement.
transporter bag
small, stretchy bag carried by Story Weavers; used to put (for example) story-threads, Story Snatchers or notes in so that they can be instantly transported back to The Great Archives.
Transporter bag
transporting ink
used by Bookworms and Storytellers on their matrices to transport Story Snatchers to The Shredding Basement.
Yarn Book: see Bookworm Yarns
see Bookworm Yarns.
The Yarn Room
place where story-threads are created by Bookworms; Bookworms join the threads together and with the help of Story Weavers, weave them into completed story-vessels.